voluptuary|voluptuaries in English


[vo·lup·tu·ar·y || və'lʌptʃʊerɪ /-tʃʊər-]

lover of pleasure, lover of luxury

Use "voluptuary|voluptuaries" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "voluptuary|voluptuaries" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "voluptuary|voluptuaries", or refer to the context using the word "voluptuary|voluptuaries" in the English Dictionary.

1. It was as if Gillray's avaricious monarch was more of an affront than the voluptuary suffering from the horrors of dissipation.

2. 28 It was as if Gillray's avaricious monarch was more of an affront than the voluptuary suffering from the horrors of dissipation.

3. The injury to the child would be far less if the voluptuary said frankly "I beat you because I like beating you; and I shall do it whenever I can contrive an excuse for it."